
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Amber and Larimar

Amber and Larimar
A first visit to the Dominican Republic is often surprised by all the fine jewelry offered by local merchants. In particular, they are captivated by two stones - found on the island - you can not get anywhere else: Amber and Larimar. 
Take a moment to learn more about these little havens so abundant in the island of Spanish.

Amber stones
amber stones 
Amber: Stone Caribbean sunsets 
Amber forms when the bark of a prehistoric tree was pierced or broken in some way before it was preserved as a fossil. Like platelets in the blood come to the surface when a person's skin is broken - When the bark of a tree, a thick resin, syrupy comes to the surface drilling. Tree resin is composed of a mixture of chemicals that act both as preservatives and drying agents, and once you reach the outer surface of a tree - if the conditions are right - then the resin hardens period of thousands or even millions of years. 
Some pieces of amber are held in high esteem by insects, plants, and small animals that may be trapped inside. Some of these insects were caught while engaged in their daily tasks, creating a scene captured in time. These natural dioramas are called "inclusions". There's even an Amber Museum in Puerto Plata showing some very rare specimens. 

Amber is most commonly used as jewelry and is coveted worldwide for its mystique and captivating beauty. This gemstone is usually yellow or gold, but some coveted pieces may even have shades of blue or green when viewed in the right light. Dominican amber is generally more translucent than Baltic amber and fascinating inclusions are more common in Dominican amber. 

Amber and Larimar
resine Drops 

Larimar: the stone of a tropical evening sky 
Larimar is a pectolite, a mineral that typically occurs in crystalline masses. This particular pectolite that is only found in the Dominican Republic comes in different shades of blue. Some even have white spots that look like wispy clouds floating in a clear blue sky. The stone gets its name from a craftsman named Miguel Mendez who specialized in working with gemstones. Mendez got some samples of the southwestern part of the island in 1974, and when the time to fold them took the name of his daughter (Larissa) and the Spanish word for sea ("mar") to form the word "Larimar" came . 

This remarkable stone is of volcanic origin. Eruptions in the limestone region of Barahona create cavities were later filled by blue pectolite. In the past, volcanic rocks hosted Larimar erosion until freed them. Then the stones lead to the sea through river currents powerful. As the stone made ​​its way down the river to a natural polished receive from Mother Nature. All persons visiting the beach had to do was bend down and snatch away from the coastline. 

Today, the majority Larimar is mined and polished with the help of skilled workers. Although the stones can be found at a depth of 100 meters below the surface (and methods of operation have not changed much in recent years) miners today have been able to discover a lot of this gemstone, so which is a hallmark of the Dominican jewelry. The remaining amount of Larimar in Barahona mountains is uncertain. 

Many factors, such as color, brightness and clarity are considered to qualify the stone. In general, the deeper blues are most sought after and are considered better than baby blues. While a smooth silky texture also adds value to the stone, there are no hard and fast rules to determine the degree of Larimar - the part you choose depends largely on your personal opinion. There Larimar Museum in Santo Domingo - section of the city called "The Colonial Zone" which delves into the rich history of this stone and has many samples on display.

Amber and Larimar
Larimar mine 

Throughout history, man has been fascinated by these stunning jewelry for many reasons. Amber and Larimar are sure to remain valued stones for centuries to come. On your next trip to the Dominican Republic, be sure to visit the districts theshopping The Colonial Zone and Puerto Plata and take home your own piece of the Dominican Republic.
Amber and Larimar

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